Top 8 Effective E-Learning Best Practices

David Wilson
2025-03-11 14:26:44 • Filed to: Elearning Tips

E-learning has become an essential part nowadays that helps to transform the way of imparting knowledge among learners. It has become a revolutionized form of learning that has bridged the gap between education and distance.

Moreover, it led to a great path for learners to obtain knowledge effectively across the world. Regardless of any city or region you live in, you can easily access to education from any time and anywhere. Several students live in remotes places where they need to walk miles for attending schools and colleges.

However, it is now easy to acquire education from your home's comfort from top educators with technology advancement. It has also helped educators to prepare eLearning content that students can access from any place and anytime.

Besides, eLearning has become a broad topic that improves teaching techniques to make you a successful virtual educator. Furthermore, apart from schools and colleges, eLearning has become popular among corporates and businesses to enhance their employees' skills and keep them up-to-date.

Although it might not be comprehensive, it can help you to move in the right direction. If you want to grab your learners' attention, it is highly essential to create an overtly customized and effective eLearning. So, here are e-learning best practices tips:

1. Use Video as Your Main Form of Content

Videos tend to be a more powerful element when it comes to greater user engagement. And hence it’s a great choice among e-learning best practices. Video content is more engaging than that of texts and can attract the attention of viewers more easily.

When you create content using videos, it can be more interactive and enjoyable for your learners. They can easily understand and review content by watching it again at the time of requirement. It is necessary to build video content that is interactive and interesting to keep learners engaged without any distractions.  

According to the study, it is found that interesting video content helps to boost the learning capacity among learners. Video content makes eLearning more exciting and helps learners to acquire knowledge effectively.

Moreover, video-based learning is an excellent instructional strategy to make learning more creative and visually appealing. Video content is also considered as a key component of eLearning. The visual examples help learners to analyze and digest content at their own pace. 

2. Build a Feedback Culture

A feedback culture is an essential part of an eLearning toolkit. Here learners can track their performance progress and work on the areas that need to be improved. You can take this amazing tool to create questions for your eLearning courses and let learners attend it to get the necessary feedback.

Creating a comprehensive feedback system for the questions can help learners understand the content and make improvements accordingly. Make sure to add eLearning feedback to your goals.

It is important to create a timely and helpful eLearning feedback system that can provide instant feedback. This will help learners to identify their mistakes and improve their performance.

Create eLearning feedback relating to real-world implications, which will help learners properly improve their actions and behaviors. Building an effective feedback system for your eLearning context will allow learners to better understand the content and keep them engaged. 

3. Email Automation in e-Learning

Automated email communication is a key tool when you plan to repeat a particular topic. Although you may not use this tool to answer specific questions by individual learners; however, it can often save your time and energy.

If you plan to use the email automation tool to create online courses, it is essential to understand it fully. You can perform some detailed searches on this technology and how it is used on other platforms. 

Once you are fully acquainted with this tool, you can prepare a set of pre-written emails with scheduled dates and times that learners can access throughout the course. They can easily go through the written content and improve their performance. You can add sections such as Welcome/Weekly/Reminder emails, FAQs for related assignments and exams. Make sure to keep everything short and crisp so that learners can easily understand and remember it. 

4. Encourage Constructive Review

Receiving constructive review is necessary for learners to make improvements in their actions and behaviors. With this supportive feedback system, learners can discover effective solutions to work on their weaknesses.

It is considered as a supportive communication tool consisting of positive solutions to solve particular issues and concerns. The key objective of this tool is to boost learner morale and personal growth. It comes with relevant corrections and improvements that learners can implement to enhance their performance. 

Constructive reviews offer detailed insights and valuable perspectives to learners that help them to make relevant changes. When creating a constructive review, make sure to provide a proper explanation to questions so that learners can clearly understand the concepts.

If you want learners to develop critical thinking skills, it is a great solution. Providing constructive reviews and opinions regarding their performances can help learners to accept changes casually. You can share specific solutions and suggestions that are helpful. 

5. Personalize Your Course

Personalization in eLearning means breaking down of traditional teaching method and implementing innovative methods to the teaching system. Personalized eLearning offers a varied mode of instruction, changing learning pace, and expanding the learning platform.

Learners can get plenty of learning options through personalized courses and select according to their needs. Personalization involves essential aspects like relevant content that needs to be delivered for a better learning experience, content structure and sequence, student evaluation, and feedback systems. 

You can incorporate personalized learning by making recommendations and asking learners to opt for courses based on their interests. You can personalize the content by using interactive eLearning resources, video-based practices, course evaluations, creative templates, and much more. All these options can help learners choose courses effectively.

When you have more courses, it will be helpful for learners to differentiate your teaching methods. Additionally, it will help learners to explore varied courses and enjoy a new learning experience.

6. Set a Goal for Every Period

E-learning is a huge and evolving platform that offers learners a new perspective on higher education. You can find many challenges when creating an effective eLearning process, but before that, you must have a deep knowledge of how to access and manage the resources. Major goals that you can find in eLearning process involve the quality of learning, meeting learning needs, learning styles, learning effectiveness, learner-accessibility, and time flexibility.  

Setting goals in eLearning is necessary to produce higher results when you have proper knowledge of its usage. When you set the right goals, it can give you successful outputs. The most used technique for the eLearning process is S.M.A.R.T, and it is considered an easier way to engage. 

S (Specific) – Create a specific goal for greater outcomes.

M (Measurable) – Choose effective tools to measure results.

A (Attainable) – Helps to avoid conflicts in opinion. 

R (Realistic) – Setting goals aligned with potential inputs.

T (Time-Based) – Setting a timeline.

7. Utilize Forums and Quizzes Effectively

A successful course is recognized through the number of user-engagement. The forum plays a key role in every course activity. Forums with many learners indicate that the specific course is highly popular compared to forums with fewer learners.

A forum is a place where learners get to know about course topics that they want to apply. When you share a post through the forum, make sure it contains compelling content to grab the learner's attention. 

You can post relating to current events, case studies, relevant questions on topics, etc. and let learners share their opinions. Moreover, you can encourage learners to participate in discussions and share their views on the course.

You can also prepare effective quizzes based on the modules and let them answer it to know their understanding of that particular topic. Multiple-choice questions are a great way to know a learner's performance.  

8. Bite-Sized

Creating courses with bite-sized content help learners to understand and remember for a longer period. Large course structure can become boring, and learners may find it difficult to remember the entire content.

Thus, prepare eLearning courses in smaller segments to benefit learners with easy readability and understandability. Preparing courses with a length of 15 minutes is considered suitable; however, if your course topic cannot limit within the required length, you can split it into short series. Hence, designing an effective e-learning course is crucial.

In addition to that, it is also needed to use short sentences for your content consisting of relevant information. According to the study, it is found that appropriately optimized courses helped students improve their performance.

Creating bite-sized eLearning modules helped learners to remember content quickly and get hold of the concepts. Courses that are split into shorter modules provided learners not to go through the entire course at once. 


With the growing demand for eLearning among learners, it becomes imperative to know the above tips for achieving superior results. So, get smarter and implement these tips to create eLearning courses that can benefit learners for a successful career. 

Create effective eLearning courses using the above tips to help learners have a better understanding of every topic that will further help to improve their performance and achieve superior results. 

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