How to Make Video Profile for Interview

Oliva Eve
2024-04-18 16:33:55 • Filed to: Interview Video Tips

With the adoption of digital technology in selecting and hiring of employees, it has become common for employers and recruiters to ask for a video interview when applying for a job vacancy. Video job applications are used by employers to get ideas of the employees’ personality and whether they can fit in the culture of the origination. It is often used by the management when they are located away from the employee or a way of streamlining the recruitment process.

video profile for interview

For the employee, video interview is a way to clearly show their creative flair and their communication skills that is not available in the traditional resume. The video resume aims at complimenting the regular resume and not replacing it. The thought of how to create a video resume is sometimes daunting, not only on what to say, but also the way to present in front of the camera as well as the technical aspects involved.

How Can A Video Resume Help

Depending on the industry, video resumes are helpful as add-ons for job applications. It is important to understand that a video resume is not an automatic guarantee to secure a job that is advertised. However, when it is rightly done, a video resume acts as a marketing tool to a prospective employer in the future. Create a resume that show your personality and what you have to offer to the prospective employer.

Why Create a Video Resume

Video resumes are optional for every job seeker. It is rare for employers to ask for video seek profiles from their candidates. A survey by Robert half showed that about seventy eight percent of employers prefer the traditional resume in the form of PDF or Word Document, whereas only three percent require video resumes. Job seekers in the creative and visual fields will find a video resume valuable in highlighting their skills. A video resume is helpful in showing performance-based work like stage acting, teaching or presentation of quarterly numbers. You should bring out the best in you in the video by showcasing your character roles. Video resumes can also be useful when showing off personality for client-facing positions like charming customers.

However, where your role is not visual, video resumes cannot further your chance of employment. You ought to be very mindful that a miscalculation in your video is easy; meaning your script, location or filming style could make your resume inappropriate. Remember that once a video is shared online it can go viral and misrepresent you. A poorly created video resume could embarrass you and knock you in the short listing for a job interview. In most cases hiring managers avoid video interviews for fear of canvassing and discrimination claims.

If you want to know how to make video profile for interview that will give you a competitive edge in the job market, keep the following key tips into consideration.

Be professional

When filming a video resume dress like you would dress in a normal interview. Maintain professional demeanor throughout the resume. Avoid using abusive language and slang. Avoid jokes at all, since what is funny to you might be offensive to others.

Find an appealing background

Pay keen attention to your background when filming a video interview. Ensure that your background is tidy, well-lit and void of noise at the background. This will offer an appealing footage and clear audio. Avoid background with movements that can tell otherwise about you.

Prepare a script

Before you film a video resume, make sure that you know what you want to say and the way to phrase it. Avoid reading directly from your script as this could lead to a dull interview profile. The video is meant to sell your strengths and as such show what you will bring to the organization in the form of accomplishment, skills and goals. Consider your audience when preparing the script to make sure that it is appealing to them. The script should be short, for about thirty to ninety seconds. Anything longer could be boring and less appealing.

Show, Not Tell

Your video script should use visual illustrations to showcase your skills and talents that give you a competitive advantage over others. In case you have a video record of yourself presenting, use the footage as part of your video profile.

Ask for criticism

Share your video resume with friends and family members for feedback. Edit and make changes of your resume based on the comments made to improve it. You can use video editing software like WonderShare DemoCreator which helps you to cut and merge videos.

How to Create A Video Resume

How do I make a video resume? This is a question you could be asking if you have no prior knowledge in filming. Making a video resume will never be a rocket science anymore if you follow this procedure.

Decide on the format

Before you embark on filming your video resume, consider what you are required to present, who you are going to present to and how you are going to present. Tailor your resume according to the job description you are applying. For most organizations, a simple resume filmed on phone or camera fits the bill. There are other companies who need creative videos where you are not featuring, but your skills and talents should impress.

Write Your Script

Most employers rarely watch the video applications from the start to end, so impress as quickly as you can in the video. Begin by introducing yourself and in one sentence summarizes why you are best to fill the available vacancy. Keep your video short and give an elevator pitch at the beginning. State your skills and quantifiable achievements, all which should be tailored to the role of the vacancy. Add tactful humor and personality where appropriate.Bottom of Form

Rehearse Your Video

After knowing what you are going to present in the video profile, it is important to rehearse how you will represent it. Go through your script to acquaint yourself with the presentation until you are comfortable. Make sure you are confident, audible and slow not to look like you are reading from a script. Dress up for the video resume depending on your role just like you would do for a normal interview.

Shoot Your Video

You can shoot you resume using your video camera or a computer. Ensure that the room is well-lit and free of background noise. Avoid using the window as your background light but rather consider natural lighting. Focus the computer or the phone of your camera on your face and keep up an upright posture. Where you are required to have a professional video resume, hire a videographer with the right audio equipment, lighting and filming skills. They will edit the video according to the requirements of the employer.

Edit Your Video

After shooting your video resume, the last question could be how do you create a seek profile free of errors? There are many video editing software available in the market that you can use to edit your video and make it stand from the rest. One of the most effective video editors you can use is Demo Creator software. This video editor comes with tutorials that are easy to understand and you do not need any special journalism knowledge to use. DemoCreator has a video editing feature allowing you to edit your video resume and tailor it to the specifications of the job you are applying. You can rotate, crop and even cut the clips to remove the unwanted parts.

With the Wondershare DemoCreator captions, cursor effects and annotations can be added to the video clip. The DemoCreator videos can be shared as an MP3, MOV, GIF or MP4 to the link provided by the employer. After editing seek honest feedbacks from trusted friends or mentors to make sure that the video resume reflects your personality. Once it is saved upload it on Vimeo or YouTube which are the most convenient to share with your potential employers. Your video resume can be shared as private where only your employer can view or public where it can be viewed by everyone. Ensure that you have used appropriate tags like ‘video resume’ or ‘video for job application’ and add the necessary tags for the role you are applying for like ‘communication manager resume’ or ‘business strategist resume’.

trim videos with democreator

Video resumes will be the in thing in the future, we have just started seeing them springing from the world. As you anticipate for the future employment trends, it is imperative to stand out from the rest. Making a video resume that brings out your personality will make you shine in the eyes of a prospective employer. Demonstrate creativity, experience and skills in your video seek profile in the most memorable way. Following the forehand discussed procedures answers your question of “how do I make a video resume?” Create a video resume when requested by your prospective employer or when you want to market yourself.